The Barefoot Forge

Your Ring Is special, We think so too.


Forging for Fighters

"Forging for Fighters" is here to offer you the space and stress relief you need and deserve. We are proud of our military and truly thank you for your service. 
Some of our former military members who have taken our classes have found this activity truly helps with their daily stresses and we thought we'd offer a FREE opportunity each month for some of our former or active military to come out and learn about blacksmithing. This scholarship program will offer a free beginners blacksmithing class for 4 selected individuals each month along with our 15% Military discount on all future goods and services. 

We're hard at work on making this program a reality and a benefit to our community- so bear with us and stay tuned for more information!

To apply for our scholarship program and join our "Forging for Fighters" email list, fill out the form below. We’re only currently able to offer free classes to vets a few times a year. If you’d like to see us do this more and you’d like to buy a vet a class- contact us! We’ve got a deserving list of applicants that would love a spot.


Please complete the form below